
Wittenberg Lutheran Church

July 2023 Witness Newsletter

Published 11 months ago • 5 min read

Dear Wittenberg!

We have been busy this summer!

Two projects which we’ve been talking about are supply drives for our community’s needs.

As part of her Confirmation education, Blakley is doing a supply and food drive for our local Animal Shelter. Doing a service project as part of our Confirmation education is a wonderful way to empower young people to do the work of Jesus AND to experience their church as a supportive and encouraging community of faith, mercy, and love. This effort will be on-going until she reaches her goals. A no-deadline project means that Blakley can focus on the many demands of growing-up with no added pressures from this project. It also means that we can keep the conversation going about what it means to be good stewards of creation and the wide (and wild!) ways we have opportunities to tend to the needs of the “least of these.”

We are also continuing our work to prepare children for a successful school year by providing backpacks full of needed supplies. This drive will end in a Back to School Bash for the community on July 29th, with a meal, games, school supplies, and (hopefully) introducing the Blessing Box to the community. This year we are also blessed to partner with Shiloh Methodist in this effort. What a gift to be in ministry with the people of God for the people of God.

You can find more details about needed items for each of these drives in this newsletter.

Because we’ve become more active with drives for pets, kids, Red Wagon, Meals-on-Wheels, Angel Trees, and more, it has become a little difficult to keep these drives from overlapping too much. More than two efforts at a time is overwhelming. In an effort to be better organized in collecting donations, and to prevent all of us from feeling “giving exhaustion,” Congregational Life has offered to keep a “Drive Calendar” for us.

If you want to organize a drive please let Nena Jones or Pastor Heather know and we’ll add it to our Drive Calendar. Hopefully, we can prevent over-asking and also better serve those in need in our community. This is a great problem to have and I’m so happy our generosity means that we need to be better organizers and communicators of our efforts!

We are posting a big calendar in the Fellowship Hall soon so you can see the various efforts throughout the year and how they help us reflect God’s love in the world!

It is a gift that we are able and willing to give so abundantly! Let’s keep up this good work for the sake of God’s whole creation.

Blessings Abound!

Pastor Heather

Wittenberg Friends!

You can now order t-shirts, water bottles, and tote bags with our new Wittenberg seal!

Pick your items.

Securely check out through the vendor sight.

Your item will be printed and shipped directly to you.

Wittenberg receives the proceeds from the sale to benefit our ministries and community!

Order here:

This servicesn't cost the church any money! This company prints and sells directly to the consumer and sends proceeds from the sale of the items!

In the fall we can change to long-sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, insulated coffee/tea cups, and more! We can also change the colors offered and the colors of the seal. Since we are using the service for free we can pick from a limited selection of five items at a time.

The items ship directly to You! No need to distribute or bulk order!

Wittenberg Preschool News!

In the month of July, summer camps will be taking place and getting our teachers will be getting classrooms ready for the next school year.

Summer Camps are scheduled for July. We will need supplies and other items. Please keep an eye out for an email and items posted on the giving tree in the hallway.

Every month we have expenses and items that we need to replace or purchase. We have created an Amazon Wish List for those items and others we "wish" for. You may also purchase items in honor or in memory of a loved one. Just let Christy Cook know. Below is the link. Items will be added throughout the summer as we assess our classrooms.

To Give Online: Go to, click GIVE tab, then click Give with

Or click the button below!

May total offering amount was $13,166.83 while our total expenses for the month were $16,901.81

Our Year-to-Date (fiscal year-began April 1) total offering $41,632.51 and total expenses $24,730.70.

  1. General Fund Offering totaled only $13,166.83
  2. General Fund Offering is down $1,766.82 from a year ago
  3. Budgeted Expenses totaled $16,901.81
  4. Income from our endowments was transferred into the WLC Checking account

To the General Fund in memory of Mary Hutto by Tim & Lisa Kluttz and Alex O'Brien.

To the Organ Fund in memory of J.B. Faggart (Dad) for his love of music given by John and Karen Faggart

The Meals on Wheels Birthday Bags were literally overflowing with goodies and treats. The Shiloh site coordinators were WOW-ing the outpouring of Wittenberg’s generosity.

A tremendous thank you to everyone who contributed!

Also, many thanks to Carolyn and Gordy Peeler who were our June delivery team.

The next delivery team is:

Brenda Marcum and Sandra Phillips August 7-11

Thank you Notes:

Dear Wittenberg Family and to all Lutheran Men in Mission:

I enjoyed your wonderfully delicious breakfast. It was so nice.

Thank you, Nancy Wright

We hold in prayer...

Our Members: Bill and Kim Fraley, Ed and Faye Harper, John Fisher, Gene Miller, Nancy Hylick, Mildred Peeler

Grieving Families of: Larry E. Hammill, Janet Allen Graham, Barb Weller, Hal Derrick, John Marino, Linda Safrit Troutman, Lori Hammill Hartsell, Chase Fritz,

Active Duty: J-Hylton Tucker, Dominic Minor, Noah Wiles, J. Michael Shuping, Adam McCombs, Daniel S. McDonald, Toler Alexander, Bitt Bryant, Jake Earnhardt, Bobby Wheeler

Deployed Military: Dorian Pine, Dakota Mace, Isaac Jones, Anthony Burton, Brandon Smith

We hold always in prayer the victims of gun violence, chronic and acute illness, mental health struggles, our partner agencies in mercy and assistance to our neighbors and all those who we lift to God’s care in our hearts or aloud.

July Birthdays and Celebrations!

02 Kathy Sapp

06 Cathy Lyerly

07 Jeff Jones

07 Alice Lawson

09 Lynda Fisher

12 Cat Honeycutt

12 Jennifer Marcum

12 Ben Jones

13 Candace Fraley

18 Brenda Galliher

19 Joshua Rowell

24 Carmen Fraley

26 Shane Earnhardt

Volunteers are needed to make this event successful! Please see Tracie Rowell to sign up!

July 2, 2023 3:30-5:30

You can find all the lectionary readings for this year, Year A, and more resources for Bible study and daily lectionary readings at the ELCA page.

July Assignments

Meals on Wheels

August 7-11

Jody and Kim Shuping


03 Sandra

10 Brenda

17 Triers

24 Pam

31 Pam


Adam Faust

Debbie Peeler


Volunteers needed

Wittenberg Lutheran Church

114 West Bank St. GQ

P.O. Box 345

Granite Quarry, NC 28072


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