
Wittenberg Lutheran Church

October Witness- Newsletter

Published 7 months ago • 8 min read

Dear Wittenberg,

It was my honor and delight to get to deliver Meals-on-Wheels this week as a part of Wittenberg’s service to that agency. (Thanks to Linda Trier, Nancy Trexler, and Sandra Phillips who also delivered this week, and to Joy Fisher for keeping us all coordinated all year long!) You may not know that I worked as the route coordinator for Meals-on-Wheels in Forsyth County for several years; this work is precious and was formative to my understanding of our call as people to reach out with mercy and grace to all of God’s children.

This month, Pam Crowell submits an article from a friend of hers and the church’s response to a pandemic of loneliness. I encourage you to read it and consider ways that we might respond as individuals or as a church to those who are isolated and lonely. Meals-on-Wheels provides one kind of connection, but there are all kinds of ways to connect with our community.

My Meals-on-Wheels experience and Pam’s contribution have led me to listen again to something the Holy Spirit has been nudging me towards here at Wittenberg. While I continue to visit with folks who are not able to attend worship and people facing illnesses and hardships, almost every visit my host will express that they miss their friends at Wittenberg. If you are willing and able to visit our homebound members I hope you will take the time to do so. If you would like to learn more about visiting and maybe go together, let me know! As our MOW volunteers know, it’s always easier and more fun to do this type of work together.


You may have heard about our new Purpose Statement: God’s creation participating in nurturing the Savior’s community. This statement was a product of our conversation with Pr. Danielle DeNise about our mission and vision as a church. The congregation was invited to participate in this conversation this summer through announcements in church, the Sunday email, and in the newsletter. About 10 people came to identify core values, descriptors, and hopes for Wittenberg. A small group formed to write a purpose statement: Cat Honeycut, Jerry Trier, and Jennifer Welch. The Council received and approved this statement in August.

God’s creation participating in nurturing the Savior’s community is both a true statement today and a continued guide for our work as a church. As Cat deftly explained in a children’s sermon a few weeks ago, this is our aim as a church. To participate in, and nurture God’s community. Whenever we make plans for our time, talents, or possessions this statement can serve as a guide to answer the question: Are we participating? Nurturing? Are we serving our neighbor in love?

There are so many ways we can participate in and nurture Christ’s community. On September 23rd we hosted a Car Seat Safety Check at the church! On Monday, October 2nd we will host a community education event about the opioid crisis in Rowan County. On October 8th we will invite our neighbors of all kinds to a Blessing of the Animals. The opportunities to BE the church at Wittenberg are enormous. What blessings we have to share!

Peace to you all,

Pastor Heather

Click the link above to purchase your Wittenberg gear! We receive a percentage of each sale and are excited to provide these at no cost to us.

In the month of October our Preschoolers will be learning about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho.

We do have a child in need of assistance with tuition. Her parents were both laid off of work and they are struggling. I would love to have her tuition completely paid for the entire year. The total of her tuition is $1900. If you would like to donate, please make a check to the preschool and write in the memo-assistance.

Thank you for your continued prayers! We have a lot to figure out this school year with our building, but we know our Council and other teams will look at all aspects.

On Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st, at 10:00AM, we hope members of Wittenberg can join us for our Trunk or Treat event!

Come decorate your trunk and pass out treats to our preschool kiddos!!

New Start Time!

A friend of Pam Crowell's wrote this article and she wanted to share it with the Wittenberg Family.

“From Where I Sit…” by Dr. David Sutton

A recent report from the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, caught my attention. He said that there's an epidemic of loneliness in the United States and lacking connection can increase the risk for premature death of levels comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to a new advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General.

The report is titled "Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation" and finds that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, about half of U.S. adults reported experiencing measurable levels of loneliness. And it warns that the physical consequences of poor connection can be devasting, including a 29% increased risk of heart disease; a 32% increased risk of stroke; and 50% increased risk of developing dementia for older adults. Yikes!

Murthy says that "It's hard to put a price tag on the amount of human suffering that people are experiencing right now. He went on to say this: "In the last few decades, we've just lived through a dramatic pace of change. We move more, we change jobs more often, we're living with technology that has profoundly changed how we interact with each other and how we talk to each other. And you can feel lonely even if you have a lot of people around you, because loneliness is about the quality of your connections."

In a letter accompanying the report, Murthy calls on Americans to take these trends seriously and to do what they can to reverse them. By focusing on building meaningful relationships, we can tap into a hidden source of healing, he writes. "Answer that phone call from a friend. Make time to share a meal. Listen without the distraction of your phone. Perform an act of service. Express yourself authentically. The keys to human connection are simple, but extraordinarily powerful." Murthy writes.

I confess my prejudice, but I think the answer is the church. If you have yet to find a way to connect in the body of Christ in your own church, please reach out to your neighbors or in your community setting. If you're missing seeing somebody in worship, give them a call and say, "I've missed you." If you have an idea for a way to help increase connections between people, please speak up to those around you and/or involve your pastor to hear your thoughts. And remember, you may not have ever known loneliness but there are those around you that have....and maybe do even now....and you can make a difference with really simple acts.

While loneliness is not a pandemic status like COVlD, it's an issue to which we should attend and which we should take seriously as we seek to be faithful in our service to Christ. Not to sound all preacher-y but as I write this article, I kept thinking about this verse from 1 Corinthians 12:25 If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it, I encourage you to pay attention to each other.....when you ask how someone is doing, really listen to the answer. Pay attention to who's here and who's not here and reach out with a note or a call. Let's try to keep the loneliness epidemic at bay among us.

And that’s the view from where I sit.

To Give Online: Go to, click GIVE tab, then click Give with

Or click the button below!

General Fund Offering was $10,418.11 which is the lowest of the fiscal year.

Budgeted expenses totaled $16,853.19. 

Budgeted expenses exceeded income by $6,435.08

Closed inactive accounts and transferred to General Fund $9,907.47

Transferred $11,578.36 from Sound System to Improvement Fund

Spend $3,111.59 from the Improvement Fund on Educational Building Roof

Giving is down $7,669.99 from last year

Excluding our Investment Income we need to take in $17.516.38 per month

Our overall expenses including repairs exceeded income by $10,914.85

To the Preschool Fund in memory of Gene Miller by Jody and Kim Shuping.

To the General Fund in honor of Jane Faggart by Chad and Mary Lambert.

Meals on Wheels-Witness October 2023

Much appreciation to our first time MOW volunteers – Heather Bachelder and Linda Trier. Now that the initiation phase is complete, we look forward to having you deliver in 2024. Also, many thanks to Sandra Phillips and Nancy Trexler who also helped deliver in September.

For October/November, the delivery team is:

October 30-November 3 Kim and Jody Shuping

Soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap.....Watch for your November Witness for more information"

We hold in prayer...

Our Members: Phyllis Fisher, Renee Wiles, Bill and Kim Fraley, Ed and Faye Harper, John Fisher, Nancy Hylick, Mildred Peeler

Grieving Families of: Dwayne Earnhardt, Terry Hahn, Hugh William Bost, Jackie Elliot, Gene Miller, Wesley Lyerly, Barbara Rimer Lewis, Gary A. Goodman,

Active Duty: J-Hylton Tucker, Dominic Minor, Noah Wiles, J. Michael Shuping, Adam McCombs, Daniel S. McDonald, Toler Alexander, Bitt Bryant, Jake Earnhardt, Bobby Wheeler

Deployed Military: Dorian Pine, Dakota Mace, Isaac Jones, Anthony Burton, Brandon Smith

We hold always in prayer the victims of gun violence, chronic and acute illness, mental health struggles, our partner agencies in mercy and assistance to our neighbors and all those who we lift to God’s care in our hearts or aloud.

September Birthdays and Celebrations!

02 Avery Carman

06 Adriane Morris

08 Jean Stirewalt

10 John Fisher

14 Kevin Kisamore

14 Patrick Honeycutt

15 Brent Hartman

17 Clay Stirewalt

18 Ronald Ralston

20 Sue Lyerly

29 P.H. McKinney

29 Cody Gasque

30 Melena Ketner

31 Jacob Rowell

Volunteers are needed to make this event successful! Please see Tracie Rowell to sign up!

October 1st 3:30-5:30

You can find all the lectionary readings for this year, Year A, and more resources for Bible study and daily lectionary readings at the ELCA page.



Meals on Wheels

October 30- November 3

Brenda Marcum and

Sandra Phillips


05 Pam

11 Sandra

18 Brenda

25 Triers


Adam Faust

Debbie Peeler


Allen Gould

Wittenberg Lutheran Church

114 West Bank St. GQ

P.O. Box 345

Granite Quarry, NC 28072


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